Sunday, June 12, 2011

My new pen-pal

My cousin Jessica who lives in NC has 3 of he most precious little boys ever. There's Lane, Collin, and Keegan. This post is about Collin who has autism, to be exact, he has Asperger's Syndrome which impairs his ability to learn, he doesn't pick up on social cues, avoids eye contact, etc. There are numerous sypmtons and ways to help your child or other children. You can learn more about Asperger's Syndrome here.He is an adorable child and I love him along with his brothers with all my heart!! Well, on to my point of my blog today. Lane has just become pen-pals with our other cousin Brenden and Collin was a little bummed that he didn't have anyone to write to. I talked to his mom today and he immediately wanted to know if he could write me. I couldn't of been more excited. I love writing letters, but writing a letter to one of my sweet little cousins just makes my day. Honestly, it does! So I will officially be stalking our mailbox until I get that letter. :) 

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