Thursday, October 13, 2011


Well I don't really have much to write about right now. My cousin Kevin and his fiancee Brittany welcomed their second child, Peyton Lee S. on August 19th, 2011 at 7:34am. He weighed 6lbs 14oz. and was 20.5 inches long. He is a beautiful baby and I couldn't be any happier for them. He's a great addition to this family. His grandpa, my uncle Darrell, would have been soo proud of him.

Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen! I could just eat him up. He's now almost 2 months old and cuter than ever. I can't wait to buy him Christmas presents!! Andrew and I are still living on campus until one of us graduates. But that's fine with me. We've just been going to school and working. Andrew was sick for about a month, and he is just now getting over whatever he had. We went to 2 different hospitals and neither of them could find anything wrong, which is frustrating to say the least. So long story short, we just waited it out. Well that's all for now.

Maddie Bug

Tomorrow is Maddie's first birthday. She won't be celebrating it here on Earth though. She's in heaven, celebrating with God and family members that went before her. Her mom is Kellie and she has a blog: Her blog is so amazing and helpful for first time mommies. Maddie is believed to have died from SIDS, since there were no other explanations to her death. Her parents, Kellie and James are some of the strongest people I know. Kellie also makes bows to sale and she is a teacher. Every time I see a lady bug, I think of Maddie and how precious she was. So go check out her blog and follow her!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Extreme Couponing..

I was layed up in bed all day yesterday while I had the migraine of the century and I watched Extreme Couponing. Well let me tell you, those people are amazing.. I think I am going to start couponing to save us some money. Now I don't want to become an extreme couponer, just save some dough here and there. So I will let you know how it goes. Ha!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bad Blogger...

I'm sorry I've been a bad blogger lately. Since we've won that money, life has just been majorly crazy!! We did buy a new car though. Well it's not new, but it's new to us. It's a 2006 Chevy Impala LTZ. And we love it! I don't have a picture of it yet, but hopefully I will have one soon! Also Andrews grandma came to visit this past weekend and it was great! We had a lot of fun. I've gotten all the things for Brittany's and Kevin's baby shower next weekend except for the clothes pins. I am taking my Praxis 1 test on the 25th and I'm extremely nervous but I know I will do good. That's about all that is going on in our lives right now. I'll try to keep up with at least 1 post a week. haha

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Million Dollar Summer Winner

I won $26,000 in the Million Dollar Summer Giveaway that Harps ( local grocery store) was having!!! OMG I can't believe it. The prize was $35k but after federal taxes that is what I was left with. So we're going to get DH a car since he doesn't have one and put some in our savings account and what not. :) I went into the store today for the presentation of the check and did the interview for the commercial and all that jazz. I just had to update about it. :) Yay me!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Dog tired

I've been so tired lately. I just haven't been sleeping good. The hubby is always snoring or rolling over on top on me or I'm waking up at 4am to pee and then cant get back to sleep. Its always something. Well to catch you up on my most exciting life: I got Collin's letter and wrote him back and mailed it off all in the same day. lol It was great! I cant wait til his next letter. My in-laws are coming tonight while on their way to TN because they are moving. So we're excited to see them for a little bit. My shutterfly book finally came in. And it's beautiful!!! :) I absolutely love our wedding pictures, but hen they're in that beautiful book, its even better!! Well that's all for me right now. I'll update again soon.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Sorry I've MIA for a few days but I've been super duper busy with school, work and the hubby of mine. I'm completely drained right now because Andrew and I spent all yesterday evening at our friends Susan and Matt's house, helping them get ready for a yard sale today. And my goodness, did they have a lot of stuff to sell. We didn't leave until around 11:30pm. And I had to get up at 6:45am for work this morning, which means this chick right here is flipping tired!!! But goods news is they were all ready for the yard sale today and Andrew is there helping while I'm stuck inside working.. yuck! ha.. Oh well.. Anyways, some goods news is that Andrew's financial aid money finally came in! YAY! You have no idea how happy and excited this makes me! So we are going to get everything we need to get taken care of done and put some in a savings account and then we're going out to Olive Garden for our 6 month anniversary. I can't believe it's already been 6 months since we've gotten married. Wow... Ok, on to other things. I haven't gotten my letter from Collin yet. I'm expecting it to be here today though! So hopefully it will be!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Slow Monday

Well, I can officially say this will more than likely be a boring post. It was a very slow day today. I just worked and did absolutely nothing except look at baby stuff and think of the future and what i want a baby nursery to look like. Ok, here's how much of an organizational freak I am.. Are you ready? I am already planning and figuring out what we need to buy and how much money everything is going to cost. I just can't help myself. I have always wanted children and now that I'm married, I can finally plan and plot things for children and our future. And I love that! I love being able to think about having children and just looking at stuff and seeing what kind of bedding I want and seeing if Andrew likes it. That kind of thing just makes me all happy and giddy inside!  I just can't wait to have kids!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My new pen-pal

My cousin Jessica who lives in NC has 3 of he most precious little boys ever. There's Lane, Collin, and Keegan. This post is about Collin who has autism, to be exact, he has Asperger's Syndrome which impairs his ability to learn, he doesn't pick up on social cues, avoids eye contact, etc. There are numerous sypmtons and ways to help your child or other children. You can learn more about Asperger's Syndrome here.He is an adorable child and I love him along with his brothers with all my heart!! Well, on to my point of my blog today. Lane has just become pen-pals with our other cousin Brenden and Collin was a little bummed that he didn't have anyone to write to. I talked to his mom today and he immediately wanted to know if he could write me. I couldn't of been more excited. I love writing letters, but writing a letter to one of my sweet little cousins just makes my day. Honestly, it does! So I will officially be stalking our mailbox until I get that letter. :) 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Some good news

Well a few months ago my car got broken into :( and there was some damage done to the driver side door and the window. Well the police got a lot of fingerprints and even a hand print or two or off my car. Well while we were in Alaska, they called me and said that they found out who the guy was that broke into my car and had a warrant out for his arrest and hopefully it wouldn't take to long to pick him up. And low and behold, this morning the prosecuting attorneys office called me to let me know that he was going to trail on Monday on a Felony case. Wooo Hoo!!!! The only thing I had to do was get my damages on my car estimated and take it down to the court house for Monday. That's some of the best news I've gotten in a while! :) And I can't wait to hear that this bozo has to pay me for the damages to my car. I mean really, what kind of a fruit bat breaks into a car and doesn't steal anything but my car charger! Honestly people. I'm just glad that he is finally getting what he deserves.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dreaming of a house..

Today while I'm sitting at work doing nothing (because it's our slow period right now) I'm thinking about houses.. What kind of house I want? What I want it to look like? The features I want it to have. Well I came up with a list of the things I want in our house. And here it is:
  • 3+ bedrooms
  • 2+ bathrooms
  • hardwood floors
  • tile in the kitchen
  • walk in closets
  • patio deck
  • 2 car garage
  • large open kitchen
  • pantry
  • 2 ovens
  • lots of cabinets
  • front porch
  • sink in the laundry room
  • fireplace
  • big master bathroom with 2 sinks
  • lots of trees!
  • hall closet
  • 1 level
  • attic or basement
  • lawn and fence
  • storage in laundry room
  • spacious living and dining room 
  • be up to date
Do you think I'm being a little too picky? Maybe when the time comes we should just build our house so that I don't have to go through and be picky about all the things that it doesn't have. haha Hmm, who knows what we'll end up doing. But I just want a nice house that we can raise a family in and one that we won't have to move out of in a few years. It's going to be a forever house and that's final!